Year: 2014


Verbs and more-25

A few more verb phrases for our discussion today. try on means to put on clothes to see if they fit I’ve got this dress for you and I want you to try it on. try out means to put to test They need to try out new ways of controlling mass bunk among students. […]


A Dime a Dozen

A Dime a Dozen means cheap and common; something so much in abundance that it becomes valueless. This phrase seems to have originated sometime in the 1800s when dime, a ten cent coin, was already in circulation and a number of different foods were being sold for the the literal price of a dime a […]


Verbs and more-24

Talk over, Think over and Take over are the three phrases for our today’s discussion. Talk over means to discuss a matter or to convince someone by talking You should talk it over with your wife and clear all your doubts. He is excellent at talking over his views to people and get the tasks […]

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