Here are some more statements which you very often hear around you but prepositions used in these statements are incorrect. Can you think of the correct ones?? * Sonia is popular among her friends. * The teacher sits on his desk. * I was surprised by his result. * Here’s the book that you asked. […]
Use of ‘Will’
A very common error that we come across quite often is the use of ‘will’ made twice in a single statement while referring to two future events simultaneously. If I will get that packet by tomorrow I will send it to you. Here two future events referred to are: * I will get that packet […]
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Word of the week-3
Your handwriting is so poor… Your handwriting is simply unreadable.. Poor, bad and unreadable are words commonly used to describe a handwriting which is difficult to be read or is untidy. Illegible( il-leji-bal) is another word you can use to describe bad handwriting. His handwriting is completely illegible. I can’t understand a single word.
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Beside vs Besides
For most of you, Beside and Besides are just the same. But the two words are way far. Beside means alongside and is used as a preposition. Come and sit beside me. Your bag is lying beside your chair. Besides means in addition to and it is used as a connector. We are happy that […]
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Advice or Advise?
Advice is a noun whereas Advise is a verb Hema always gives good advice to her friends The doctor has advised me to take complete rest Similarly, Practice is a noun whereas Practise is a verb ( in British language ) You need more practice in mathematics and science Neha practises the piano daily
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