Tenses -3 (Grade 8)

Tenses -3 (Grade 8)

Tenses -3 


Fill in the blank with the correct tense form of the verb given in bracket:

  1. She speaks as one who ____ everything. (know)
  2. I waited for father until he ___. (come)
  3. We _________ more than we could. (spend)
  4. I do this because I ____ to. (choose)
  5. When her mother entered, Julia ______ with water. (play)
  6. The teacher helped him more than she ____ other children. (help)
  7. My mother said that discipline ___important for success. (be)
  8. We think that we _____ at the concert in time. (reach)
  9. I _____ my work before my friends arrived. (complete)
  10. We shall inform you when the luggage ____. (arrive)
  11. By this time next week, they _____ the destination. (reach)
  12. She knows all about this game because she ____ since her childhood. (play)
  13. If your uncle ___ of your result, he will be delighted. (hear)
  14. He can’t leave this room until he ____ the key. (find)
  15. When my friend pays me tomorrow, he _____ everything he owes me. (return)



Click here to download the worksheet:  Tenses – 3 (Advance)



1) knows 2) came 3) spent 4) choose 5) was playing 6) helps 7) is 8) will reach

9) had completed 10) arrives 11) will have reached 12) has been playing

13) hears 14) finds 15) will have returned

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