More of words

More of words

We will work on words today. In each of the following statements, one word is marked in bold and its antonym (opposite in meaning) is hidden in the same statement. Try to find these antonyms:

* There is abundance of light in this room but all other rooms have a dearth of light and air too.

* I deeply admire your skills but strongly despise your arrogance.

* Hunting lions is not for amateurs. One needs to be thoroughly professional and courageous.

* We are always advised to save and accumulate money than to fritter it away and confront problems later.

* He is such an affable and courteous gentleman. It is difficult to accept the fact that his son is so rude and is such a sinister.

* I got scared of the sound of boisterous laughter coming from the adjacent room. So I came to your room for it is quiet and calm here.

( Hope you’ve got the answers. To confirm, check tomorrow’s post. )

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